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The United States Capitol is the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It is located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C.[1]


The United States Capitol is featured in The Capital Threat.

Briefly introduce in 1 day after people, the show stated that the US Capitol Building is ghostly quiet.

The first event of the Capitol took place in 1 year after people where despite the neglect, the United States Capitol appears unchanged. The civil war era cast iron dome is keeping out the elements. Kim Roddis explains that the Capitol wouldn't except to see much change on the first year, however the cast iron dome is painted and over time the protective system from paint start to break down, causing rust starts to become visible on the iron.

In 100 years after people, as the paint long gone, the dome of the United States Capitol continues to rust as moisture force open the joints in the cast iron sheets. Its openings attract pigeons and other birds and because it is built atop an iron truss system, it is ideal nesting place. Kim Roddis stated that once the birds build their nests, the water when the rain occurs collects to the nest, thus the nesting material would hold it like a sponge against the iron and it will continue to corrode.

The collapse occurs in 250 years after people that weakened cast iron dome doesn't came from corrosion but the placement of the 15,000 pound bronze Statue of Freedom. Kim Roddis explains that when the statue tries to pull on one side of the dome and push on the other, it will cause the entire statue to punch down through the dome and slump over like a wedding cake. Thus the weight of symbol of America on the United States Capitol cause the collapse of the civil war cast iron dome into the rotunda, the collapse likely destroys the statue in the process.

The final fate of the United States Capitol is in 1,000 years after people, Kim Roddis stated that the various rooms of the Capitol are now exposed to the sky as it become like the Forum ruins in Rome. It concludes with the Capitol Building in ruins and largely covered in plants, with its rotunda emerging from the wetlands like a small island.


