A shoe is an item of footwear intended to protect and comfort the human foot. The design of shoes has varied enormously through time and from culture to culture, with form originally being tied to function.[1]
Shoes are featured in Home Wrecked Home.
In 15 years after people, leather may seem more durable compare to papers and fabrics. The show gave information that archeologists sometimes unearth leather shoes up to 2,000 years old, which were preserved in oxygen deprived environments like peat and mud. However, for most shoes, it's an inevitable march to oblivion as it decays. Todd Sutton stated that what's left of the shoes would be the steel grommets that ran the shoelaces through, the plastic tip off the cotton laces, and the hard rubber soles which would be around 50, 60, to hundred years but the leather will be long gone.