Life After People Wiki

Pigs are any of the animals in the genus Sus, within the even-toed ungulate family Suidae. Pigs include domestic pigs and their ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar, along with other species. Pigs, like all suids, are native to the Eurasian and African continents, ranging from Europe to the Pacific islands. Suids other than the pig are the babirusa of Indonesia, the pygmy hog of South Asia, the warthog of Africa, and other pig genera from Africa. The suids are a sister clade to peccaries.[1]


Pigs are featured in Outbreak starting in 1 month after people where pigs starts to struggle before showing an average information stating that 60 million pigs are confined in farms across North America and fed a demand for 23 kilos of pork per American every year. 1 month after people have let the pigs to starve and some have resort to cannibalism.

In 2 months after people, the surviving pigs starts to panic and to escape, the bigger 500 pound starts pushing their way out of their pens while others begin burrowing under sheds but eventually millions will break out into the wild. John Anderson stated that he would be on pigs without people due to pigs being omnivores and are very intelligent and survive in variety of conditions. After the pigs escaping the confines, it will start breeding with 4 million feral swine, most primarily living in California, Texas, and Florida, breeding a new pig hybrid. The pig hybrids will became leaner, meaner, and more mobile with larger tusks and more hair.


