Life After People Wiki
Life After People Wiki

an optical disc (OD) is a flat, usually circular disc that encodes binary data (bits) in the form of pits and lands on a special material, often aluminum, on one of its flat surfaces. Its main uses are physical offline data distribution and long-term archival.[1]


Optical disc, specifically CDs and DVDs, are featured in the documentary and Home Wrecked Home.



A pile of discs.

In 100 years after people, digital media won't last forever since estimates for lifespan of CDs and DVDs range from a few decades to a few centuries under ideal conditions. Nabil Nasr explains that modern humans capturing knowledge, information, history, and advancement is typically either in a computerized form in a CD or in printed paper unlike the ancient Egyptians which left behind was engraved in stones and the items he show is that it will degrade overtime and not last for thousands of years like what ancient Egyptians left behind.

Home Wrecked Home[]


CDs and DVDs decays and are useless.

In 15 years after people, CDs and DVDs have become useless husk. Todd Sutton stated that the polycarbonate will delaminate from the middle base which begins to crumble and like most metals, it will begin to oxidize.

