An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where petroleum (crude oil) is transformed and refined into useful products such as gasoline (petrol), diesel fuel, asphalt base, fuel oils, heating oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas and petroleum naphtha.[1]
Oil refineries are generally featured in Roads to Nowhere with its setting being in Houston.
It was introduced in 1 hour after people when oil refineries and chemical plants all over the world still pumping out the lifeblood that used to power cars and keep airplanes aloft with thick plumes of steam billow out from the dense cluster of refineries situated along the Houston Shipping Channel. One fifth of America's oil production passed through the channel, helping to feed an insatiable demand for fuel in the time of humans with the United States consuming 20 million barrels of oil, equivalent to the water held by over 40,000 residential swimming pools. Everything seems to be running smoothly till the alarm bells ring, the oil refineries are in trouble. There's a problem in the reactor, a tall column that helps break oil down to petroleum. Each refinery depends on storage tanks with some holding as many as 20 million gallons of oil to feed the reactor continually. A hour after people have let one of the feeder tanks run dry. William Leffler stated that when the tank goes empty, the conditions inside the reactor will go chaotic because it expects to have continuous flow where in order for the reactors to work, it need to heat the oil to hundred or thousands of degrees.
Without a fresh supply of incoming oil, the reactor turns the whole refinery into a ticking time bomb. William Leffler stated that nobody will react to it and temperatures could escalate up to tens of thousands degrees. However, the reactor isn't entirely empty, it is still filled with deadly gasoline vapors that were designed to burn only inside a car engine linger. Runaway temperatures rupture the reactor, creating sparks, and the fumes explode. Fire then rushes through pipes connecting to a holding tank filled with already refined gasoline which then ignites, more sparks and heat ignite another tank then another and within seconds the whole refinery is on fire. A similar event happened in 2005 when 15 workers died another 170 were injured at an oil refinery explosion in Texas City when unmonitored gasoline fumes found an igniting spark. After people, there's nothing to prevent the refinery explosions. William Leffler stated there will be fire in one refinery, and another one half a mile away then could to other fires in the refineries. He continues it happen one at a time and once it start happening, it increases exponentially. The fuel once propelled mankind around the world fuels a seemingly endless inferno, also touched on at 1 week segment.
In 2 months after people, the oil refineries haven't run out of oil and gas and the apocalyptic firestorm still burns along the Houston's Shipping Channel. The area processed most of the over 1 million barrels of crude oil produced in Texas everyday, more than any other state in the country.
The last mention of the oil refineries is in 3 months after people when the oil refinery fires have finally exhausted their fuel, especially at the Houston Shipping Channel. Since the world's oil refineries are reduced to ruins, the 1.2 trillion barrel of crude oil that still lays untapped beneath the Earth's surface will never rise to propel any manmade machine again.