Life After People Wiki

Natural gas is stored worldwide in tanks. It is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.[1]


Natural gas is featured in Home Wrecked Home.

It was introduced in 1 day after people when in kitchens and hot water heaters everywhere in the suburbs like Levittown, the gas is still on. Most American homes were heated by natural gas in the time of humans and methane was pumped from naturally pressurized wells through 2.2 million miles of underground pipelines and compressors but sometimes disaster erupted from the massive subterranean network. Travis Taylor stated that natural gas lines typically ruptured because mankind intervenes by dig up a pipe, rupture the pipe, and cause failure in the structural integrity. He continues that fires can be very catastrophic because the methane gas blowing into the air would mix and create a very large blowtorch.


An explosion at Levittown.

After people, natural pressure from the wells is enough to keep gas flowing into kitchens. Travis Taylor stated that the gas won't stop flowing, still under pressure, flowing through the lines, come to the houses, and the pilot lights continue to burn. Natural gas has no smell but a substance called mercaptan was added to give it a distinctive odor that could alert people to leaks, but gas leaks still cause 2,500 home fires and explosions each year killing dozens and injured hundreds: leaks still occur even after people [disappear]. Travis Taylor stated that the best detector for gas leak is the nose but after people, there'd be nobody around to smell it and it all need is a spark. The stoves pilot light provides the spark and a home in Levittown explode.

In 1 month after people, another form of fuel and one of mankind's coldest substances is ominously warming up at the tanks. Travis Taylor stated that liquefied natural gas is the liquid version of methane gas, where if one cool it down to -260 degrees Fahrenheit, it becomes a liquid and explains the reason for using it is for ease of transportation since the volume is 600 times less and one can fill a truck or a ship with liquid natural gas and carry more on a smaller vessel. If the liquid heats up, it becomes gas again and once the concentration reaches 5%, it become one of the most explosive substances on Earth. Travis Taylor stated that liquefied natural gas could be very explosive once stored in a tank which is much more than other forms of fossil fuels and when it mixes with air, it'll have a very volatile explosive ability and destroy many city blocks with one explosion.

Without humans to continuously open and close valves to maintain proper pressure, the tanks become ticking time bombs. Travis Taylor stated that when the gas starts to expand, it will reach a pressure for the tank that weren't designed for and could be very devastating. The tanks rupture one by one in a catastrophic chain reaction and destroys the surrounding area as it explode and flying pieces fall in flames.


