Minetta Street is a street in New York City. It was featured in a transformation in the Life After People special documentary pilot in 2008, where it turned once again into a river, Minetta Brook.
1000 years after people
This is Minetta Street in Greenwich Village. Most New Yorkers might come here and wonder why it curves like this. it curves because once upon a time there was a stream here, and then a Brook. There were more than 40 streams on Manhattan Island. All flowing down and carrying the rainwater down to the sea. So what happens today, the rain falls, the snow melts, but it flows right along the street and down into that storm drain there. If there weren't people here anymore, there'll be no one here to maintain the sidewalks and maintain the streets. They'd start to crumble up. They'd start to break apart. Trees would come back, vegetation would come back, and eventually the hydrological cycle would reestablish itself. And who knows, maybe Minetta Street might once again become Minetta Brook. -Eric Sanderson