Life After People Wiki

The City of Los Angeles is served by an extensive network of freeways, streets, and local and regional public transportation systems. A dozen major freeways that span hundreds of miles connect the various regions of L.A.[1]


The freeways of Los Angeles are primarily featured in The Capital Threat, starting in 1 week after people stating that the freeways of Los Angeles are free of traffic.

In 3 years after people, the first event takes place, stating that freeway system has gone green. Doug Failing explains that the concrete itself would be invisible within a very short period of time and stating that the roadways themselves are great seed corridors, and it only took the natural wind to drive a lot of seeds and other materials down into the open corridors, where they begin to grow. It also The show continues stating that grasses and other small plants quickly take over the roadways and the trees will soon begin to grow with their roots to tear apart the concrete. some other freeways begins to flood, like the US Route 101.

Its fate is revealed in 100 years after people, when corrosion is pulling apart the freeway overpasses and rain transforms parts of it into small lakes. Doug Failing explains that the roadways in Los Angeles are actually below grade and when the water falls, it will able to collect it by the use of drainage inlets, which will collect the water and goes to pumps in order to pump the water out. The show continues stating that the inlets are now clogged with debris and the pumps stopped working many years ago, causing much of the freeways have turn into dozens of small lake ecosystems.

While nature continues to conquer the freeways, animals are moving in from the mountains near Los Angeles, and manage to make great use of the freeways, as they serve as ideal corridors to move between different habitats. Prey animals are the first to arrive, followed by their predators, meaning that roads that once supported thousands of cars every minute are now artificial plains and jungles favoured by many different species of wildlife.



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