Featured Article
"3 months after it closed, the city's department of environmental management entered... And discovered a gastronomic nightmare."
The Mexia Supermarket is a 36,000-square foot grocery store located in Fort Worth, Texas. It was abandoned in July of 1999 when the owners of the grocery store went bankrupt, though the food were not removed leading it to rot. It is featured in The Last Supper. (more...)
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150 - 300 Years Later
File:Life After People 150 - 300 Years Later
What's new on Life After People Wiki
- June 2nd, 2009
- Life After People became available as a single disc release exclusively from Amazon.
- November 27th, 2008.
- Life After People was broadcast in Australia, on Channel Seven. It was edited down to air for 90 minutes, with narration by Australian television presenter Simon Reeve.
- May 26th, 2008.
- Life After People was broadcast in the United Kingdom.
- January 21st. 2008
- Life After People's first episode was aired in the United States.
Helping out
- Help problems on articles by editing the problematic page in order to fix them.
- Find and research contents related to Life After People on the web, notably biographies of each guests.
- Fix those red links by writing wanted articles
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- Help make the wiki easier to read; contribute to the Templates project
Featured Blog Post
"Do you prefer the film or the series of Life After People?"
Click here for the blog post.
The link leads to an exact recreation of the poll, as polls made from wikitext no longer work after the migration to UCP, that began in March 2020.
Here is the exact text/code of the original poll:
<poll>Do you prefer the film or the series of Life After People? The film The series I enjoy both I don't like either. </nowiki>
Featured image
Current time: 17:10
Useful Info.
- Join our Discord server! http://discord.com/invite/TCVqSzVC8M
- Note that all of these spaces between comments keep the page looking nice for editors without messing everything up on the layout.
- Previously, people on this wiki have been making fanons on this site. In other words, they add pages to this Wiki that never happened on Life After People. Please do not do this any longer.
- If you want to make something up, please do it on the fanon wiki: Life After People Wiki Fanon Wikia (see - this example).