Life After People Wiki

Kudzu is a group of climbing, coiling, and trailing deciduous perennial vines native to much of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and some Pacific islands, but invasive in many parts of the world, primarily North America. The vine densely climbs over other plants and trees and grows so rapidly that it smothers and kills them by blocking most of the sunlight.[1]


Kudzu is featured in Outbreak and was briefly mentioned in Crypt of Civilization.


It was introduced in one month after people when kudzu starts to spread outside Atlanta. It was bought to the United States from Japan in 1876 for farmers to feed their animals and erosion control. However, it became invasive. John Taylor explains that kudzu rapidly grows in bright sunlight and on fertile soils, which can grow up to a foot a day. Kudzu is known as the vine that ate the South, and has a vast root network more than 18 feet underground which took 25 man maintenance team to constant cut the kudzu in order to clear it from the roadways in Atlanta and the surrounding county in the time of humans. John Taylor explains the procedure on how to kill kudzu by killing the aboveground portion till its energy reserves in the root system have exhausted.

Without people and no known natural enemies in the region, kudzu starts reeking havoc as it starts strangling trees, climbing telephone poles & power lines, covering bridges & roadways, and enveloping rural houses. John Taylor stated that kudzu creates a situation where nothing grows but kudzu creating a dead spot environment.


A building in Atlanta being covered in kudzu.

In 50 years after people, kudzu have expanded into Atlanta and its city center skyscrapers and commercial structures are covered in kudzu. John Taylor stated that kudzu would cover most of the major buildings in downtown Atlanta and kudzu would creep out in small and abandoned lots. When kudzu dies in winter, the plant sends up new vines in the spring that use the old vines in order to continue climbing and its deep underground root network stores vast amount of nutrients with an inexhaustible amount of energy. John Taylor stated that the kudzu can be hundred feet on any building. The Georgia Dome is invaded by kudzu, causing the roof to collapse.

While kudzu thrives in Atlanta, it set a stage for a disaster. Atlanta suffered from periodic droughts even in the time of humans, and with a drought in the horizon, kudzu have dried and the city became a tinderbox. It took a single thunderstorm to move in and lightening strikes the kudzu, burning through the entire city of Atlanta, similar as it did during the Civil War.

Crypt of Civilization[]

Kudzu is briefly mentioned in Crypt of Civilization when the grounds of Oglethorpe University are choking under kudzu and wild poinsettia. Kudzu also covers the buildings of the university.


