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Life After People Wiki

The Independence Hall is a historic civic building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in which both the United States Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were debated and adopted. The building was completed in 1753 as the Pennsylvania State House, and served as the capitol for the Province and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania until the state capital moved to Lancaster in 1799. The structure forms the centerpiece of the Independence National Historical Park and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[1]


The Independence Hall was barely featured in Bound and Buried due to the show only featuring a document stored within the Independence Hall, the United States Declaration of Independence. The Independence Hall is run by power, and so if the power cut off, the United States Declaration of Independence would be threaten by humidity, however the document is made of celluose, stronger than modern paper.

In just 10 years after people, Independence Hall have become notable in this part of timeline. When a window pane breaks on the west wing of the Independence Hall, the United States Declaration of Independence is now on harm's way and its been threatening by sunlight. The other's would soon follows by wind.

Independence Hall soon appears as a backdrop for the breaking of the Liberty Bell in 75 years after people as the elm wood rot. By attention to detail, parts of the Independence Hall have turned green, and brick walls of the building is breaking down by corrosion. Small pieces such as spires and doors have fallen off as well.


The Independence National Historical Park after 300 years.

While it is not shown or featured once again, by 300 years after people, it is possibly confirmed that the Independence Hall have collapsed before then since the background of Liberty Bell no longer shown the Independence Hall as intact, instead a dense forest covers the Independence National Historical Park, including Independence Hall rubbles. The same is true on the next shot of the United States Declaration of Independence when it lies in the rubble of the once west wing. By according to the details touched on the producers, the dense forest is covering the document seal's and any evidence of the building are just rubble. The reflection of the document seal also proved the evidence that the Independence Hall is already a pile of rubble and only the dense forest of Philadelphia shown in the reflection.


  • A full image of the backdrop image and concept can be found on Patrick Almanza website, it is originally intended for 150 years after people.[2]


Official Series

Concept Art

