Life After People Wiki
Life After People Wiki

The chimpanzee, is a species of great ape native to the forest and savannah of tropical Africa. It is also known simply as the chimp or the common chimpanzee, the latter particularly when its closely related relative the bonobo was more commonly known as the pygmy chimpanzee. It has four confirmed subspecies and a fifth proposed subspecies. The chimpanzee and the bonobo are the only species in genus Pan. Evidence from fossils and DNA sequencing shows that Pan is a sister taxon to the human lineage and is humans' closest living relative.[1]



In the documentary, chimpanzees were briefly featured in 10,000 years after people when the documentary questions who or what might those replacements be before the documentary answers itself that perhaps chimpanzees that might make the leap.

David Brin explains that some scientists believe that it's easy for nature to bring animals up to a clever level where they might use tools and become masters of their environment. He continues that the leap was a shear accident for humanity from able to stare at the sky and imagine a cosmos, able to contemplate yourself and contemplate the own role in Earth. He then explains that it is not a complete recovery, but a planet that continue with nobody to talk and think about it.

The Invaders[]

In The Invaders, chimpanzees were featured starting in 5 years after people when chimpanzees escaped from a local zoo and followed the birds into the tower where they feast on their eggs.


A chimpanzee grabbing eggs, leaving one set of eggs.

It may set a stage for a startling evolutionary breakthrough and while most chimpanzees greedily eat every egg, a few take a more long-range approach. David Brin explains that it all need is one little breakthrough by a chimp who might said "Let the birds keep one set of eggs". Doing this will ensure the new generations of birds to hatch and continue to supply with eggs. The chimpanzees also have to protect their birds from the feral cats who hunt in the building's hallways. David Brin stated if they passed the trait on defending the towers, protecting the birds, and letting the birds thrive, the tribe will start down a road that could rapidly evolve. With it, the chimpanzees take the first steps towards animal husbandry, one of the basic aspects of human civilization and a keystone to the development of higher intelligence.

In 200 years after people, the chimpanzees whom descendants for the 20 generations occupied one of the city's man-made towers where they learned animal husband still thrives in Florida's sub-tropical jungle of what once Miami. It was once thought that humans were the only species that could pass on learned behaviors and traditions to subsequent generations, but research in the late 20th and early 21st centuries showed that chimpanzees share the ability, setting the stage for the possible civilization of their own.

David Brin stated that one whom envision on chimps that they started building their own towers to attract, protect, and farm the birds, He continues that it is the beginnings of construction in chimpanzees in which if they used what was left of human culture, buildings, roads, and bridges, they will develop a trick that gave one smart tribe a leg up toward a civilized way of life. He concludes that it will be the last gift, a payback. Whether or not the chimpanzee tribe complete the multi-million year evolutionary journey that led to the first human beings, the use of tools and domesticated animals make the apes the dominant lifeforms in Florida's future.


