Life After People Wiki

Bisons are large, even-toed ungulates in the genus Bison within the subfamily Bovinae. Two extant and six extinct species are recognized. Of the six extinct species, five became extinct in the Quaternary extinction event. Of the two surviving species, the American bison, B. bison, found only in North America, is the more numerous.[1]



A herd of bisons in 200 years after people.

Bisons were briefly featured in Armed & Defenseless in 200 years after people.

The show stated that the herds of bison on the prairie are even more striking before giving minor information of the bisons stating that before man nearly hunted them to near extinction, there were as many as 60 million roaming America, and by the 21st century, it dwindled to 250,000.

Without people, the population of Bisons have explode, increasingly their numbers. Along with the newly evolved wild cattle, the bisons roam once again in the Midwest.

